UBTEB Examination Registration Procedure
Registration of candidates
(1) The Board shall register a candidate for examinations with an entry requirement as stipulated in the curriculum/syllabi approved by the authorised government body.
(2) A candidate shall be required by the Board to be registered in an assessment/examination center.
(3) The Head of a center shall obtain registration forms from the Board and submit them to the Board within a period specified by the Board from time to time.
(4) Late presentation of candidates by Head of center for examination registration to the Board shall attract a surcharge of 50% of the examination registration fee.
(5) The Head of center shall ensure that all candidates fill in their examination registration forms properly for correct and accurate registration.
Also see UBTEB Time Tables 2019-2020
(6) At the time of registration at the center, each candidate is responsible for ensuring that his/her bio data is correctly recorded as they would like them to appear on the transcript and certificate. A candidate should maintain previously recorded names on the academic and professional documents.
(7) The candidate is responsible for ensuring that his/her Identification/registration Number is written correctly on the registration form.
(8) In an event that a candidate has been discovered to have been presented and registered in a manner that contravenes these rules,
(i) The Board shall at any time deregister, withdraw and/or nullify the certificates and other academic documents issued by the Board.
(ii) The responsible examination center shall take responsibility of the offence and the Board shall have the right to suspend or withdraw the center for a period determined by the Board or take any other appropriate action.
Eligible candidates
A candidate shall be eligible for sitting his or her examinations if he or she is presented by a licensed, registered and accredited center, as a bonafide student who has studied continuously for a semester or a year or two years whichever is applicable and has fulfilled all academic and professional requirements.
Withdrawal of a candidate from examinations
(1) The Head of center shall notify the Board of a case of withdrawal of a candidate at least 2 months before the beginning of the examination for purposes of deregistration.
(2) In such cases, the Board shall not refund the examination fees neither shall it allow replacement of such a candidate with another one.
Examination Registration Fees
(1) The Head of center shall remit the Examination registration fees to the Board.
(2) Evidence of payment of such fees shall be availed to the Board by the center, before or during the submission of registration forms.
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