UBTEB May-June Examinations

By | June 6, 2019

UBTEB May-June Examinations

Over 24,000 candidates to sit for UBTEB May-June Examinations

UBTEB has a registered 9.3 % increase in the number of candidates registered for the May-June 2020 examinations for Business, Technical and Specialised programmes from 23,560 in 2018  to  24,161 in 2019. Equally important to note is that the number of examinations centres increased from  173  in 2018 to  2019  in 2020.

Please see more details in the attached press release;

Over 24,000 candidates to sit for UBTEB May-June Examinations

UBTEB tightens punishments for Examinations Malpractices ahead of May/June Exams

Over the years, the Board has recorded series of examinations malpractices which have been handled with in the existing regulations. However, with effect from May/June 2020, any candidate caught in any form of malpractice will pay heavily for such acts.The Board revised upwards the punitive measures for examination malpractices which will be implemented beginning with May/June 2019 examination series. These are indicated below;

Malpractice                                              Penalty

(a)Collusion to cheat examinations        cancel results of entire semester

(b)Smuggling unauthorized materials   cancel results of entire semester

(c)Use of phones, programmable          cancel results of entire semester 

Calculators and watches 

(d)Writing on Body parts                       cancel results of entire semester

(e)Writing on the question paper          caution

(f)Second offender for offense (e)         cancel results of the paper in which the malpractice is committed

(g)Second time offender for (a)-(d)       Cancel results and suspension from UBTEB exams for the entire Academic Year.

(h)Third time offenderDisqualify from programme and   cancel all Examinations results.

“This therefore calls for your efforts to strengthen institutional based measures for candidates and examination managers to ensure that they don’t fall outside the rules and regulations on compliance with the examination settings” Onesmus Oyesigye stated while briefing Principals during the feedback workshop in Kampala this month.

Read Also UBTEB starts marking of November-December Examinations

The Board pledges continuous improvements to enable effective service delivery. For example; the Board upgraded Examination Management Information System with a new system to enable efficiency in handling examination processes. The system now will ease candidate registration, and enable Heads of centres and candidates to access results online.  You will note that systems upgrades always have overlaps which emerge and are corrected. The Board will continue to monitor its performance and handle all emerging issues in time in this transition period.

Contact us

Plot 7, Valley Drive, Ntinda

P.O Box 1499, Kampala-Uganda

Email: info@ubteb.go.ug/esubteb@gmail.com

Alternate Email: ubtebcommunications@gmail.com

Tel: 0392 002468/+256 414 289786/+256 414289787