Kisubi Seminary

By | February 21, 2024

The main aim of the seminary is to nurture vocations to the priesthood. However, the majority of the boys (in the seminary) do not make it to the Priesthood. They, however, gain abundantly from the richness of the academic, spiritual, moral and human formation at the seminary.

The seminary has students from all regions of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Mission: To nurture and develop the vocations of young people by equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary for them to function productively as Catholic Priests.

Vision: To equip students with the mental, spiritual, social and physical skills which will enable them to serve as priests and in other capacities as competent people in the third millennium.

The administration of the seminary is composed of 16 resident priests, headed by the Rector – Fr. Francis Ssengendo, Vice-Rector – Fr. Wenceslaus Kkonde, and the Spiritual Director – Charles Ssuna

Contact Information:

P.O. Box 4, Kisubi – Uganda
Tel: +256 392 968394
        +256 704 125776

Kisubi Seminary is a secondary school which is privately owned, located in Wakiso district, Busiro County 1 mile off Entebbe-Kampala highway (15 miles from Kampala) along Nabinoonya Road. The school is situated in Kisubi on Kibaale Hill, surrounded by beautiful greenery of a natural forest, and to the eastern side its boundary touches the shoreline of Lake Victoria.