CITIZENS SSS IBANDA offers both Arts and Sciences. All A-Level combinations like PCB, BCM, PCM, MEG, BAG, HEG, HED, LEG, etc are offered.
The existence of science and computer laboratories emphasises special attention to practical subjects.
First and most obvious is the emphasis on high-quality affordable education for rural children.
With its booming information economy, Uganda is a land where a good education is often a ticket out of poverty, but it is also a land with extraordinary educational stratification: children with opportunity and means can get an excellent education, while the majority of children have access to poor schools with Ibanda District being no exception.
At Citizens Secondary School we work to improve access and the quality of education supporting Ibanda’s communities to achieve their future goals.
The School currently seeks financial aid to accomplish the tasks indicated here;
P.O.Box 25, Ibanda
Located at Rwengiri T/C
Kagongo ward
Ibanda Town Council
Tel: +256 772573643, 772320774, 772357518, 782964445