Mifumi Primary School – Tororo

By | February 5, 2024

Mifumi Primary School is a mixed-day primary school with a current enrolment of over 700 pupils. It is located in Tororo District, Uganda.

We aim to promote the highest standards of teaching and learning within the framework of the National curriculum and to encourage the education of girls in particular to encourage them to match their aspirations to their abilities.

Nursery Education: We provide a sound educational foundation for 90 pupils each year between the ages of 4 and 5 to encourage early childhood development and learning.

Primary education:

The provision of quality primary education is our priority to ensure that the pupils realise their maximum potential academically and in all-round educational development.

Co-curricular activities:

All round development of pupils is promoted by providing time for various sports and co-curricular subjects and activities.

Mifumi Primary School was declared a model school by the Tororo education department due to its excellent academic performance and good infrastructure.

The school boasts of five classroom blocks comprising 15 classes, Teacher’s accommodation of 11 units, 7 latrines, and 2 blocks of wash-rooms / changing rooms suitable for girls.

Contact Details – UGANDA

Plot 1, Masaba Road,
P.O. Box 274,

Plot 13, Martyrs’ Drive,
P.O. Box 7890,
Kampala, Uganda

Tel: +256 (0) 392 174 242
HELP LINE (+256) 0800 200 250

Email admin@mifumi.org