Kiira College Butiki, commonly referred to as Butiki, is an all-boys boarding public secondary school (high school) located in Jinja district, in the Eastern region of Uganda. The school is located on Butiki Hill, in the Namulesa trading centre, along the Jinja-Kamuli Highway. It is approximately 14 kilometres (approx. 8.7 miles) from Jinja town. The school was named after the River Nile (which is known as Kiyira among the locals i.e. the Basoga people). The Nile River derives its source from Lake Victoria in Jinja. The school motto is Discipline & Hardwork. The school was founded in 1959. As a public secondary school that is run by both.
Academics KCB follows the secondary school curriculum as established by the Ministry of Education. The secondary school curriculum is a six-year program divided into two levels; the Ordinary level (O’level) and the Advanced level (A’level)
Enrollment Enrollment is only for male students. The age range is between 13 to 18. However, it is not uncommon to find students aged 20 and above but rarely above 25. Age is not a factor the school considers in student enrollment. Total school enrollment is between 1000-1200 students.
Subjects available at O’ Level • Arts Subjects; Literature in English, History (of East Africa and West Africa), Geography, Political Education, Christian Religious Education (CRE), Principles of Accounts, Music and Commerce • Science Subjects; Biology*, Chemistry*, Physics* Principles & Practices of Agriculture and Geometrical & Technical Drawing, • Languages; English* and French. • Mathematics* • Fine Art. These subjects are all compulsory from S.1 to S.4. They contribute to the final 10 subjects that a student is examined in his final year of O’ level.
Subjects Available at A’ Level Subjects Available at A’ Level (with recent changes in the A’level curriculum, each student is allowed a maximum of 3 principal subjects plus 2 subsidiary subjects): • Principle Subjects in Arts Classes; Divinity, History, Geography and Literature in English. • Principle Subjects in Science Classes: Chemistry, Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing, Mathematics, Biology and Agriculture • Principle subjects in both Arts and Sciences Classes: Economics and Fine Art • Subsidiary Subjects: General Paper and Subsidiary Mathematics
Religious Freedom Majority of students at Butiki follow the Christian faith (with a combination of Anglicans, Evangelicals and Catholics). However, there are also Muslim students. Just like the rest of the nation, freedom of religion is a respected fundamental right. Religious services are conducted on Sunday for Anglicans, Evangelicals and Catholics and Muslims have their prayers on Friday. Note that evangelicals also are allowed to hold praise and worship prayers at any time of their will, as long as it is not during class hours (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM) on weekdays.
Citizenship Most students enrolled are Ugandans (99%), however, it is not uncommon to find foreign students from neighbouring countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda or Southern Sudan enrolled in the school. The practice of enrolling foreign students is common among Ugandan schools, especially Private schools. It is believed by some residents of other East African Community partner countries that the education system in Uganda is superior.