Busaana Modern Academy was the first private Ordinary-level, mixed/day secondary school in Bugerere, within Kayunga. It opened in 1995, nine years after Busaana SS, a government school opened in the same sub-county when the NRM Government had risen to power in Uganda.
Busana Mordern Academy is a Secondary School in Uganda. The School is a Private Sponsored School. The School is found in Kayunga District and Busaana Sub-County.
Busaana Modern Academy was the first private Ordinary-level, mixed/day secondary school in Bugerere, within Kayunga (then part of Mukono District). It opened in 1995, nine years after Busaana SS, a government school opened in the same sub-county when the NRM Government had risen to power in Uganda. The school is registered under the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES).
Busaana Modern Academy was the first private Ordinary-level, mixed/day secondary school in Bugerere, within Kayunga (then part of Mukono District). It opened in 1995, nine years after Busaana SS, a government school opened in the same sub-county when the NRM Government had risen to power in Uganda. The school is registered under the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES).
Busaana Modern Academy is a Mixed Day Senior Secondary School in Bugerere (Central Uganda), the first Private School in its County Area. Located on Plot 13 Kireku Road, the Campus is about 500 Metres from Busaana Taxi Park. It is a USE (Universal Secondary Education) School licensed by the Ministry of Education and Sports (Uganda). Post Letters to Box 18122 Kayunga, Uganda or Box 12674 Kampala, Uganda. With the Motto “Aim At Success!”, BMA moulds Students through only Ordinary Level (Senior 1 to 4) but with enough Arts and Science Skills to build their Future and move Mountains wherever they end up, whether in Advanced School, Employment or as Entrepreneurs. The Uniform is white Shirts/ Blouses and forest green Trousers/ Skirts. Support Busaana Modern and let its Sunlight of Education shine bright, it won’t stop!