Registration of 2023 PLE, UCE & UACE candidates starts*
Normal Registration for the 2023 PLE (P7), UCE (S4) & UACE (S6) candidates effectively starts today, April 1st 2023 till May 31st 2023. Late registration will begin on June 1st and end on June 30. The UNEB Registration fees have been maintained at 34,000= for PLE, 164,000= for UCE and 186,000= for UACE, for privately sponsored Learners.
The Government, as the policy has been, will pay for all candidates funded under Universal Primary Education (UPE), Universal Secondary Education (USE) & Universal Post O’Level Education & Training (UPOLET) programs. Heads of Centers are advised to start preparing the correct bio-data of the candidates along with high-resolution digital photographs.
For the registration of PLE candidates, Centers shall use the candidates’ birth certificates to avoid doubt regarding the date of birth. At UCE & UACE levels, the previous result slips shall be used. Parents are advised to actively participate in the registration process and ensure that the correct data at all levels is captured.
In case of inquiries, members of the public can send SMS or WhatsApp messages to; 0760 731 261;
0776 865 556 or call UNEB toll free Line on 0800 211077