Esc Confirmed Appointment At KCCA

By | February 28, 2023

The Secretary, of the Education Service Commission, informs Teaching and Non-teaching personnel whose names appear in the lists below that they have been Confirmed in Appointment w.e.f the due date. The concerned personnel are requested to contact the Executive Director, Kampala Capital City Authority for issuance of relevant letters of confirmation in Appointment. Click for more details

This page gives more information about Education Service Commission Recruitment, How to Apply, Education Service Commission Job Advert, successful Applicants and Aptitude Tests.

The Education Service Commission is established by article 167 91) of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and Article 168 (1) sets out its functions, authority and autonomy in implementing its mandate.

The Commission is responsible for approximately 70% of the public service of Uganda. These include the staff of the Ministry of Education and Sports Headquarters and all staff (teaching and non-teaching staff) of post-primary and Tertiary institutions except national universities.

The vision of the Education Service Commission is to see “quality education delivered by efficient and effective education service personnel”

The mission statement of the Education Service Commission is “to provide an efficient, professional, accountable, transparent and motivated education service”

The mandate of the Education Service Commission is to: advise the president in performing his / her functions in relation to Article 172 of the Constitution and on appointing all personnel in the education service and charged with developing, maintaining and improving the quality of that personnel and that of the service generally.