Industrial Training
Purpose of Industrial Training
(1) The purpose of Industrial Training is to enable Teachers, Instructors or Lecturers assess formally educational attainments, intelligence, aptitude, personality and character of their learners developed during the training period.
(2) It also facilitates integration of knowledge and skills acquired from the School. It creates linkages between the industry and training institutions.
Objectives of Industrial Training
The objectives of Industrial Training shall include the following
(a) To expose the trainee to the environment in the world of work
(b) To equip students with practical and hands-on skills needed in the world of work
(c) To enable students interface and get exposure to the dynamics of applying theoretical knowledge to real industrial routine operations
(d) To create linkage for future job reference and placement of students by industry
(e) To create linkage between the world of work and institutions
(f) To identify gaps in the curriculum which will lead to its improvement
(g) To boost and improve students’ competencies so as to keep abreast with the changing demands of world of work and technological advancement.
Scope of industrial training
Industrial training shall be carried out alongside routine academic programmes or at the end of each academic year for a period not less than six (6) weeks and not exceeding twelve (12) weeks.
Assessment in Industrial Training
Industrial Training shall constitute a complete module of the training. Assessment in Industrial Training shall portray;
(a) The progress of the learners
(b) The appropriateness of the curriculum and the effectiveness of the methodology used in assessment
(c) Giving all the relevant evidence in view of its appropriate weight and particularly adhering to the set professional standards
Parties involved in Industrial Training
The following persons shall be responsible for Industrial Training;
(a) UBTEB Secretariat
(b) Heads of Centers
(c) Industrial Training officer/Coordinator
(d) Field Supervisor in the world of work
(e) Supervisor from Training Institutions
(f) Student.
Roles of Industrial Training Stakeholders
(1) UBTEB Secretariat roles shall include;
(a) Issuing Industrial Training guidelines to all training institutions
(b) Monitoring the implementation of the Industrial Training
(c) Ensuring that Industrial Training marks have been received from the institutions and captured.
(2) Heads of Centers shall be the Heads of Institutions that is present candidates for UBTEB Examinations whose roles shall include;
(a) Coordinating with the responsible office to ensure timely execution of the Industrial Training processes and activities
(b) Submitting the Industrial Training placement lists to the Secretariat
(c) Preparing of Industrial Training performance reports to the Board
(d) Submitting of Industrial Training marks to the Board
(3) Industrial Training officers/Coordinator roles shall include;
(a) Sensitization and guidance of students before, during and after Industrial Training
(b) Placement of students for Industrial Training
(c) Establishing linkages and relationships with the stakeholders in the world of work
(d) Maintaining database of all industries for job references and placements
(e) Overseeing supervision of students
(f) Coordinating the marking of Industrial Training reports through Heads of departments
(g) Preparing of Industrial Training work plans for the institutions in liaison with Heads of institutions and UBTEB
(4) Field Supervisors in the world of work roles shall include;
(a) Receiving and orient the trainees about the company policies, tools and general operations
(b) Assigning tasks to the trainees from the training institutions
(c) Providing trainees with identification tags
(d) Assessing, guide, monitor and supervise the tasks assigned to the trainees on a daily or weekly basis
(e) Recommending students after the Industrial Training for job offers or otherwise
(f) Inspecting and cross-checking log books on a daily basis
(g) Guiding the trainees in the preparation of the final Industrial Training reports; the report should bear both the signatures of the field supervisor and institution’s supervisor.
(5) Students roles shall include;
(a) Adhering to all safety precautions and professional code of conduct at the place of training
(b) Reporting for training on daily basis or as arranged with the field supervisor
(c) Keeping a record of all tasks undertaken in the log book
(d) Preparing and submitting weekly reports to the field supervisor for assessment
(e) Participating in the organization’s events and activities
(6) Academic Supervisor roles shall include;
(a) Guiding students on report writing
(b) Providing feedback to the institutions through progressive reports and recommendations
(c) Participating in the assessment of Industrial Training and marking of reports
(d) Moderating the work of field supervisors
(e) Visiting students while in industries or field
Industrial Training schedule
The training institutions in consultation with the world of work shall organize Industrial Training for students during each academic year as provided for by the calendar issued by Ministry of Education and
Sports from time to time to enable them gain more hands-on skills.
Placement of Students
(1) Placement of students for Industrial Training shall be the responsibility of the institution or center presenting candidates to UBTEB. Students shall also ensure that they secure placement through
their training institution.
(2) The institutions shall liaise with the relevant industry to acquire Industrial Training opportunities for the students
(3) The lists of students’ placement shall be displayed on students’ notice Boards in advance
(4) Institutions shall put in place an inventory of potential industries for students’ placement
(5) The Head of Center shall ensure that students are oriented on Industrial Training guidelines before they report for Industrial Training and special emphasis shall be put on the following;
(a) The use of log books
(b) Importance of Industrial Training exercise
(c) Adherence to professional code of conduct
(6) Introductory letters shall be issued to students before they proceed for Industrial Training
(7) A copy of the lists of students’ placement shall be forwarded to the UBTEB Secretariat immediately
(8) The Secretariat shall at its own discretion visit students during Industrial Training
Assessment of Industrial Training
(1) The overall assessment of Industrial Training is a mandate of Board.
(2) The format of assessment forms or Industrial training guidelines for students, field supervisors and supervisors from the institutions shall be as provided by the Board.
(3) Assessment of students shall be conducted during normal working hours and at the place of training.
(4) Students will be required to prepare daily and weekly reports.
(5) Where there is a conflict of interest, another supervisor shall be assigned to do the assessment.
Industrial Training Report format
The typed Industrial Training report shall follow the format as indicated in appendix 6 and the marking guide in appendix 7.
Log book format
(1) A student shall be required to record their daily activities in the industrial Training Log Book.
(2) Such a log book shall follow the format detailing the following information among others;
(a) Week number, day and date;
(b) Activities;
(c) Lessons learnt;
(d) Challenges faced;
(e) Recommendations.
(3) At the end of the week, an evaluation shall be made by both the trainee and field supervisor, copies of which shall be inserted as
appendices into the Industrial Training report.
Marking of Industrial Training Reports
(1) The Industrial Training officer shall, on receipt of the Industrial Training reports, liaise with heads of departments to mark the reports and compile results
(2) Any student who fails to score the pass mark will be required to repeat Industrial Training.
Submission of Industrial Training results to the Board
The results of Industrial Training shall be duly signed and stamped by the Head of Center and forwarded to the Board by the 15th of March of every year for the January-February Industrial Training Session and by 22nd of September or three weeks after the beginning of the semester/term for the June-August Industrial Training session.
Industrial Training Guideline Tech Dip, Business & Departmental
Download UBTEB Industrial Training Form