Muni University Reopening of Schools for Final Year Students

By | September 21, 2020

As we prepare to resume studies in line with the directives from National Council for Higher Education NCHE to reopen Muni University to the fourth year Nursing Students with effect from 28th September 2020, the University Management has come up with additional Standard Operating Procedures to that of Ministry of Health to guide your conducts and activities at the university, residences and in the wider communities.

We each,have a responsibility to keep ourselves and our community safe from COVID-19.  I therefore implore you to maintain strict adherence to these guidelines to ensure successful completion of your academic studies.

I warmly welcome you back to the university. For those who are unable to resume yet, remain engaged. Use this opportunity for advancing your knowledge and skills innovatively and academic improvements via online resources.  Keep safe and hopeful wherever you are as we continue working towards creating sustainable Higher Education solution. 

May God protect us all as we work towards Transforming Lives