Busitema University Government Sponsored Admission List

By | July 2, 2020

General Requirements

Have the Uganda Certificate of Education with at least (five passes), or it’s equivalent and the

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with at least two (2) principal passes in

prescribed subjects obtained at the same sitting.


Hold at least a Second Class or Credit Diploma from a recognized institution.

Mode of Application

i. Application forms and other relevant information may be obtained from the Academic

Registrar’s office at Busitema Campus or from Busitema University Liaison Office,

Lincoln Flats Room A2 Makerere University, Arapai Campus in Soroti, Namasagali

Campus in Kamuli, Nagongera Campus in Tororo, Pallisa Campus in Pallisa and Mbale

Campus (Mbale Regional Referral Hospital).

ii. Payment of Non-refundable application fee of UGX.50,000/= for East Africans

and UGX.75,000/= for Non-East Africans plus a Bank charge of UGX.3,000/= to Stanbic

Bank or Centenary Bank.

Mode of Payment

Step 1. Using a web browser e.g Mozilla, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome; type in zeepay.busitema.ac.ug on the address bar to access
a platform which enables you to generate a Zeepay Reference Number.

Step 2. Fill in the form with details: Full name, Email address and Telephone Number THEN Click on the BLUE button to continue

Step 3. Select an appropriate Application fee on the fees menu by checking a box on the left-hand side.

Step 4. Click on the continue button at the right-hand bottom corner to generate a 13-digit reference number

Step 5. Proceed to either Stanbic Bank or Centenary Bank and present the reference generated to the bank to effect payment.

Step 6. For clarifications, please contact the Accounts staff on any of our campuses and for those in Kampala visit our Liaison Office at
Makerere University Lincoln Flats, Room A2

Busitema University Government Sponsored Admission list

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Busitema University Government Sponsored Admission List