Where To Buy Dairy Goats In Uganda

What is Dairy Goats?

Where To Buy Dairy Goats In Uganda?

Watoto Goat Farm Suubi

Address: 69QX+5WF, Kampala, Uganda

Mashambani Diary Goats Farm

Address: 5QP9+76, Nsumba, Uganda

Phone: +256 772 407124

Mukos tracks for hire all types

Address: 8MW6+399, Kampala, Uganda

Phone: +256 773 412001

How many kg of milk can Dairy Goats produce per day?

The estimated milk yield produced by each goat at peak lactation averaged 2.0 kg/day

Do Dairy Goats produce only when they are pregnant or produces always?

As with all mammals, goats lactate only after giving birth. After kidding, dairy does will go on to produce milk for about two years if they are milked regularly.

Then they will need to be bred again to keep the production flowing.

How much does Dairy Goats cost in Uganda?

He advises farmers to buy milk goats from genuine goat breeders. Each goat costs between sh70,000 and sh90,000 depending on the age.