What Is The Best TFSA Investment In Uganda

What is TFSA Investment?

A tax-free savings account is an account that provides tax benefits for saving. Investment income,

including capital gains and dividends, earned in a TFSA is not taxed in most cases, even when withdrawn.

What Is The Best TFSA Investment In Uganda

What is the minimum investment in a TFSA in Uganda?

You can kick-start your journey by investing a minimum of R500 per month, or a lump sum minimum of R10 000.

Will interest earned on a TFSA count toward the annual and lifetime limits?

Returns (interest, dividends, capital gains) do not count towards annual or lifetime limits.

Can the value of my TFSA exceed UGX500 000?

The value of your TFSA can exceed UGX500,000 but you will pay tax.

What happens if I go over the TFSA limit?

If you go over the limit for annual and lifetime contributions, you’ll pay tax on 40% of your contributions.