What Is The Best Government Hospital In Uganda

What is a Government Hospital?

A public hospital, or government hospital, is a hospital that is government owned and fully funded by the government and operates solely off the money that is collected from taxpayers to fund healthcare initiatives.

What Is The Best Government Hospital In Uganda

1. Mulago Hospital

2. Mbarara Hospital

3. Gulu Hospital

5. Naguru General Hospital

4. Butabika Hospital

6. Soroti Hospital

7. Lira Hospital

8. Entebbe General Hospital

9. Mbale Hospital

10. Jinja Regional Referral Hospital

How many government hospitals are in Uganda?

The health facilities are designated as Health Centre level one (HC I) to Health Centre Level Four (HC IV); General Hospital, Regional Referral Hospital, and National Referral Hospital.

There are 17 Regional Referral Hospitals (RRHs) and 62 General Hospitals (GHs) in the country.

What is the biggest government hospital in Uganda?

The largest state-owned hospital in Uganda is Mulago Hospital in Kampala with around 1,500 beds. It was built in 1962.

What is the oldest hospital in Uganda?

Mengo Hospital is the oldest hospital in Uganda. It was established by Albert Ruskin Cook in 1897. At the beginning, the hospital belonged to the Church Missionary Society.