What Is The Best Crop To Grow In Uganda

What is Crop?

A crop is a plant that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or subsistence. When plants of the same kind are cultivated in one place on a large scale, it is called a crop.

Most crops are cultivated in agriculture or hydroponics. 

What Is The Best Crop To Grow In Uganda



Maize (Corn)




Irish Potatoes.

Sweet Potatoes.

What is the most selling crop in Uganda?

Coffee In Uganda, coffee contributes the highest revenue. The crop plays an important role in increasing the country’s GDP and household livelihood is

on a stable and promising growth path, with greater potential for creating jobs and value addition aimed at both domestic and international markets.

What is the most grown crop in Uganda?

Coffee and tea are the main export crops. Uganda was once a major cotton producer, but production has recently declined.

Tobacco is also grown for export. Maize is the staple food crop in Uganda.