What Is The Best Credit Card In Uganda

What is Credit Card?

A credit card is a payment card issued to users to enable the cardholder to pay a merchant for goods and services based on the cardholder’s accrued debt.

What Is The Best Credit Card In Uganda



American Express

Discover cards 

What credit cards are accepted in Uganda?

The whole country predominately uses Visa, MasterCard is next and a few places will accept American Express and Discover cards – all

with an additional surcharge ranging from 3.5 to 6% or more for some companies. Bigger hotels may however not charge anything extra. Several ATMs now take Credit and Debit cards.

How long can you use a credit card?

Credit cards expire every three to five years, depending on the issuer. Banks set expiration dates based on a number of factors,

including physical wear-and-tear on the card, security, and encouraging consumers to reevaluate their credit card plans for the upgrade.

Is it okay to use a credit card every day?

Using your credit card for your everyday spending has plenty of benefits—but you should always carefully monitor your

spending and avoiding credit card mistakes to prevent dragging down your finances and your score.