What Is The Best Company To Invest In Uganda

What is Investment?

Investment is traditionally defined as the “commitment of resources to achieve later benefits”. If an investment involves money,

then it can be defined as a “commitment of money to receive more money later”.

What Is The Best Company To Invest In Uganda

Pro Savior (U) Limited

314-731-0, Hoima Road, Namungoona/Kasubi, Rubaga Division, Kampala, Uganda, Kampala

M-Start Investments

Zana Namasuba , Kampala

MUZIRA Audit Accouting& Tax Consulting Firm Uganda

MUZIRA Audit,Accounting & Tax Consulting Firm Uganda-Kampala, Kampala

Crets Group Limited

07th floor, Course View Towers, Kampala


14473, Kampala

Which investment is best in Uganda?

If you are among business owners who would like to invest in Uganda, it is best to invest it in real estate.

Uganda’s real estate is booming and you can be sure that your money is in a profitable business. Uganda’s investors will agree that real estate in this country is a good way of earning money.

How to invest your money in Uganda?

Agriculture Value Addition. Opportunities in large-scale production, agro-processing, and agribusiness. PRIORITY SECTOR.

Tourism. Opportunities in accommodation and development of new products. PRIORITY SECTOR.

Mineral Value Addition. Opportunities in mining and mineral beneficiation. PRIORITY SECTOR.

How profitable is an investment in Uganda?

Return on investment is about 5% and projected to increase to about 7% due to ongoing and planned infrastructural (roads, railway, energy)

development that will ensue from the developments in the oil sector (refinery and crude oil export). Uganda’s GDP averages US$33 billion, with stable economic growth averaging 5 to 7%.

What are some of the reasons why you should invest in Uganda?

Uganda Has a Lucrative Investment Climate

Investing in Uganda would prove worthwhile as the country has had a favorable investment climate characterized by the political and social stability witnessed in the country since 1986.

Foreign Market Access through Agreements and Other Trade Treaties

Investing in Uganda is worth it as the country has positioned itself to become an essential member of various trade groups, including COMESA, the EAC, and SADC, just to mention a few.

Growth of the Economic and Social Infrastructure

You should consider investing in Uganda because of the rapid development of the country’s economic and social infrastructure. For instance, the government allows free 100% foreign ownership of private investments.

Increased Government Spending

The Government of Uganda has made substantial efforts to attract foreign investment, including increasing its spending.

As mentioned above, the government has taken steps to ensure high standards of administrative and regulatory processes are maintained.

What are some of the Challenges Faced by Investors in Uganda?

Here are some challenges that investors face while investing in Uganda.

High Corruption Levels

Unfortunately, investing in Uganda means dealing with corruption at the highest and lowest levels. Uganda is characterized by widespread ‘petty corruption’ involving officials in the government.

Relatively Unskilled Labor

Although Uganda has a relatively high literacy level (73%), the country still lacks the education level necessary to hold the available jobs.

Poor Government Services

To match the high corruption levels in the country, access to government or legal services remains a challenge. Poor IT infrastructure in the IT and construction sectors have left the country with poor access to government services.

Poor Infrastructure

Uganda remains a third-world country despite the efforts of the government. Kampala and Entebbe are fairly developed, but other regions especially the countryside, remain significantly underdeveloped.