Price Of Eucalyptus Trees In Uganda

What is Eucalyptus Trees?

Eucalyptus globulus, commonly known as southern blue gum or blue gum, is a species of tall, evergreen tree endemic.

Price Of Eucalyptus Trees In Uganda

Currently a mature eucalyptus pole cost between Shs150,000 and Shs200,000 depending on its height.

How long does eucalyptus take to mature in Uganda?

In Uganda, environmental conditions allows the eucalyptus to mature in just four years.

What can you use Eucalyptus Trees for In Uganda?

Eucalypts are an important source of income for small farmers in many parts of Uganda, providing building poles, fuelwood and timber.

Their fast growth and ability to coppice (regrow when cut) are important attributes.

How profitable is eucalyptus growing in Uganda?

An acre of land can accommodate up to 1,111Eucalyptus seedlings, which are thinned at five years, leaving 800 trees.

This, according to the source, leaves a farmer with approximately sh152m for every acre harvested; meaning the farmer would have earned approximately sh19m per annum.