List of Uganda Mining Company Vacancies

Gold Refinery Uganda (ILOTA MINING) Vacancies

Namekara Vermiculite Mine Vacancies

Uganda Chamber of Mines & Petroleum Vacancies

Kasese Cobalt Company Limited Vacancies


Barrick Gold Corporation Vacancies

Where is cobalt mined in Uganda?

Kilembe Mines is Uganda’s largest copper mine, with estimated deposits of copper in excess of 4,000,000 tonnes and an undetermined amount of cobalt ore. In addition, there approximately 2,800 acres (1,100 ha), of unexplored acreage at the site.

Are there diamonds in Uganda?

Diamond: Potential for diamond exists in a number of areas in Uganda. Discovery of the diamonds in gravels occurred during prospecting for gold in Buhweju and a few small diamonds were found at Kibale in 1938 and Butale in 1956. Similarly, the basic volcanics in Bushenyi district are expected to have diamonds.