International Driving License In Uganda

What is International Driving License?

An International Driving Permit, often referred to as an international driving license, is a translation of a

the domestic driving license that allows the holder to drive a private motor vehicle in any country or jurisdiction that recognizes the document.

International Driving License In Uganda

How much is an international driving license in Uganda?

ValidityPrice (UGX)
Five years330,000
Three years230,000
One year135,000

How long can you drive with an International license in Uganda?

If you were issued your license before you made 18 years, you can continue to drive in Uganda without exchanging it for 6 months after arriving in the country.

After 6 months, you may apply for a new Ugandan license to keep driving.

Where can I apply for an International Driving license in Uganda?

To get an International Driving Permit in Uganda, visit AA Uganda. IN PERSON: Visit the offices

of the Automobile Association of Uganda and request the application forms for an International driver’s Licence/permit (IDP).

How long does it take to get an International Driving license in Uganda?

The Digital IDL is sent in 2 hours and your physical IDL will be mailed. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

You will receive a Digital Only Version Of Your International Driver’s License Booklet. The Digital IDL will be delivered in 2 hours.