How To Mix Pig Feeds In Uganda

What is Mix Pig Feeds?

Feed your breeder pigs a different mix than the rest of pigs. Make a feed mix that is about 80 percent sorghum, 10 percent sunflower meal, 10 percent calcium and protein supplement,

and 0.25 percent salt. Quality of a good pig food contains; Pig food should be fresh and not stale

How To Mix Pig Feeds In Uganda

Below is how you can give a perfect mix pigs feeds

Pig may be fed on rations containing 14% crude protein.

Water must always be available for the Pig.

During gestation, the sow is limit fed for 2 to 3 kg per day of a 14% protein diet (sow and weaner meal).

Close to farrowing, maize bran may be added as 25% and this will be mainly the source of energy.

What is a good grain mix for pigs?

GrainStarter pigsGrow-finish pigs