How To Check Tin Number In Uganda

What is Tin Number?

A Taxpayer Identification Number is an identifying number used for tax purposes and in other countries under the Common Reporting Standard.

How To Check Tin Number In Uganda

Below is how tin number is check in Uganda


Go to e-services.

click on Instant TIN for individual taxpayers.

fill in the fields as required.

Your TIN will be displayed instantly on your screen.

How do I verify a TIN number by name?

Visit the website of the online information system TINXSYS (Tax Information Exchange System), a government initiative to help the commercial tax departments of States to identify the interstate

exchange and monitor them effectively. Just enter the TIN and expect the results. You can see the dealer name, address, PAN.

How do I know where my TIN Number is registered in Uganda?

Below are steps to help you know if your tin number is registered in Uganda

Open the AskURA App on your phone.

Enter in your Email or Phone number (the one you used to register for your TIN)

Tap on select taxpayer type, choose either Individual or Non Individual.

Tap Submit.

The URA App will display your TIN registered details.