How Many NGOs Are In Uganda

What is NGO?

A non-profit organization that operates independently of any government, typically one whose purpose is to address a social or political issue.

How Many NGOs Are In Uganda

The Ugandan government issued its directive after discovering fewer than 4,000 charities out of 14,000 had valid permits.

This followed the government’s review of NGOs between August and September 2019 which reduced the number of registered NGOs from 14,207 to 2,118.

What are the benefits of NGOs in Uganda?

Self-satisfaction and happiness

Protecting communities

Providing power

Standing a chance to win influence

Creating an opportunity to better Uganda

Poverty reduction among Ugandans


What are the challenges of NGOs in Uganda?

Poor Networking and lack of coordination were identified as major challenges. It is the cause of duplication of efforts, conflicting strategies at the community level,

a lack of learning from experience, and an inability of NGOs to address local structural causes of poverty, deprivation, and under-development.

Who funds NGOs in Uganda?

Some donors stand out in terms of disbursing funds through and to NGOs: EU institutions, and governments of the UK, USA, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden account for 75% of these funds.

How much does it cost to start an NGO in Uganda?

1.Fees for a Certificate of Registration for an Indigenous Organization (Uganda Shillings)100,000
2.Fees for NGO Permit of Operation for an Indigenous Organization per year (Uganda Shillings)60,000