How Many Languages Are In Uganda

What is a Language?

Language is a structured system of communication that consists of grammar and vocabulary. It is the primary means by which humans convey meaning,

both in spoken and written forms and may also be conveyed through sign languages. 

How Many Languages Are In Uganda

Uganda is a multilingual country with over 70 generally estimated languages spoken.

43 of its living languages fall into four main families—Bantu, Nilotic and Central Sudanic, and Kuliak.

What are the top 4 languages spoken in Uganda?

Languages of Uganda
RecognisedSouthern Luo, Lugbara, Runyankole, Soga, Teso
Minoritymany Bantu and Nilo-Saharan languages; Nubi

What is the most popular language in Uganda?

LANGUAGE: Uganda’s official language is English, which is spoken by most educated Ugandans. The three major indigenous language families are Bantu,

Central Sudanic, and Nilotic. Swahili and Luganda are also widely spoken.