How Many Island Districts Are In Uganda

What is Island?

A piece of land surrounded by water.

How Many Island Districts Are In Uganda

 Uganda has a total of 17 districts with island areas and communities.

What is the biggest island in Uganda?

Buggala Island is considered the biggest island compared to other many islands found in Uganda and it covers a total surface area of about 296 square kilometers.

Which are the island districts in Uganda?

Kalangala, also known as Ssesse, is a district in Central Uganda. The district is coterminous with the Ssese Islands in Lake Victoria and does not have territory on mainland Uganda.

How big is kalangala island?

9,103 km²

The district is entirely made up of 84 islands widely scattered in Lake Victoria over a total area of 9,066.8 sq. km, of which 432.1 sq. km (4.8%) is land and the rest is water mass.

How many villages are in Kalangala district in Uganda?

 BujumbaBujumba13Buggala main-island, Bubembe, Bunyama, Buyigi, Luwungulu, Kibibi, Mukalanga, Bulega-omunene, Landa, Bulega-omutono, Kalambide, Nkusa and Linzira.
Mugoye4Buggala main-island, Mweza, Namubega and Mukubi
Kalangala T C1Entirely found on Buggala main-island
Sub-Total 16 
 Kyamuswa  Kyamuswa     Kyamuswa 12Bukasa, Bunjazi, Luserera, Kamukulu, Nabwenkulume, Lugazi, Matanda, KitemuLuzira, Sekazinga I   Sekazinga II and Nabusonko
Bufumira24Buyovu, Bufumira, Lulamba, Bugaba, Serinya, Bukone, Buwuvu, Kitobo,Banda,  Semuganja-omunene, Mbugwe,  Semuganja-omutono, Kibibi,  Ziru, Ssekibanga/Kayanja, Lwamaiba, Sanyu, Mawanyi-omunene, Kabale, Kakidde, Mawanyi-omutono, Lwalanda, Luke,  and Nsirwe
Bubeke5Bubeke, Jaana, Buyange, Nkese and Mirigi
 Mazinga 27Buggala, Kirugu, Funve, Lujjabwa, Nkose, Banda-omunene, Nkovu,Banda-omutono, Kyeserwa, Miyana, Ndive-omunene, Ndive-omutono,  Ngabo-omunene, Linga, Ssentima, KasajjaNgabo-omutono, Lukyusa, Kkuye,  Buwe, Lubungo, Mitunsi(1,2,3), Lugazi, Mawu, Gansove-omunene, Gansove-omutono and Kabulattaka
Sub-total768Grand total: 16 +68 = 84 islands