How Many Ethnic Groups Are In Uganda

What is an Ethnic Group?

An ethnicity or ethnic group is a grouping of people who identify with each other on the basis of perceived shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups.

How Many Ethnic Groups Are In Uganda

There are four ethnic groups in Uganda. Ethnic groups in Uganda include the Bantu, the Nilotics, the Nilo Hamites, and the Hamites.

What is the largest Ethnic Group In Uganda?

The Buganda make up the largest ethnic group in Uganda, though they represent only 16.7% of the population.

(The name Uganda, the Swahili term for Buganda, was adopted by British officials in 1884 when they established the Uganda Protectorate, centered in Buganda).

What is the language spoken by the four Ethnic Group In Uganda?

The languages of Uganda fall into four main categories; Bantu, Nilotic, Central Sudanic, and Kuliak. Although there are 41 living languages in the country,

the recognized official language is English. Luganda and Swahili are also widely spoken, but they are not the official languages of the country.