How Many Eritrean Refugees Are In Uganda

Who are Eritrean Refugees?

The Eritrean refugee camp population is predominantly young single people, with a large number of unaccompanied minors and separated children (UASCs) among them.

Eritrean refugees have limited access to basic services in the camps and are unable to become self-reliant due to inadequate livelihood opportunities.

How Many Eritrean Refugees Are In Uganda

The UNHCR 2022 report indicates that there are 27,000 Eritrean refugees in Uganda.

Many Eritreans have started businesses in the country in real estate, hospitality, health, fashion, and entertainment sectors.

Which countries are refugees in Uganda?

Most of the refugees in Uganda come from neighboring countries, especially South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

How much are refugees paid in Uganda?

Overall, the average monthly income for the refugees in our sample is 160,000 UGX, ranging from 90,000 UGX in Palorinya to 205,000 UGX in Kampala.

Can refugees work in Uganda?

Although refugees in Uganda are granted freedom of movement, the right to work and establish businesses, and the right to access public services such as education, their needs are still high.

The poverty rate for the refugee population is higher than for the host communities (51% of refugees are considered poor).