Best Biometric Pressure For Carp Fishing In Uganda

What is a Biometric Pressure?

Simply put, barometric pressure is the measurement of air pressure in the atmosphere.

Best Biometric Pressure For Carp Fishing In Uganda

An atmospheric pressure of 1020mb or below is generally considered low and therefore better for fishing. Once you get below 1000mb it can get stormy, and very good for fishing.

Where is the best place to catch carp?

Carp tend to stay in murky water, and they’re likely to spook easily when the water is clear. These fish also prefer warmer waters,

so look along the shoreline, backwaters, and side channels for muddy water with dense vegetation. Carp spend most of their time feeding on insects among aquatic vegetation.

How do you attract carp?

Canned corn or dough balls are two of the best baits to use for carp, but always check your state fishing regulations to make sure that these baits and methods are permitted.

Once you have your tackle and bait, you just need to find the right spots to catch carp.