Best Big 5 Game Reserves In Uganda

What is a Game Reserve?

A game reserve is a large area of land where wild animals live safely or are hunted in a controlled way for sport.

Best Big 5 Game Reserves In Uganda

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Safaris.

Queen Elizabeth National Park Safaris.

Kibale National Park Safaris.

Lake Mburo National Park Safaris.

Murchison Falls National Park Safaris.

Kidepo Valley National Park Safaris.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Safaris.

What is the smallest game reserve in Uganda?

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is known to be the smallest national park in Uganda compared to all other nine national parks and it covers a total surface area of about 34 square kilometers.

This national park is located in the Southwestern region of Uganda in the Kisoro district.

What is the oldest game reserve in Uganda?

Semliki is Uganda’s oldest wildlife reserve and is set in an area of outstanding scenery in the Albertine Rift Valley.

To the north is Lake Albert whilst to the east woodland climbs the steep Rift Valley wall.

How many game Reserves are there in Uganda?

Uganda Wildlife Authority, (UWA) manages 10 National Parks12 Wildlife Reserves; 5 Community Wildlife Management Areas; and 13 Wildlife Sanctuaries.