Best Bass Fishing Spots In Uganda

What is a Bass Fishing Spot?

Largemouth bass prefer shallower areas of freshwater ponds, lakes, reservoirs, and slow-moving rivers that have some type of cover in the form of vegetation, brush, trees, or structure

Best Bass Fishing Spots In Uganda

The river Nile sprouts out of Lake Victoria and travels 6,700 km to the Mediterranean Sea crossing through Murchison Falls National Park another major fishing location in Uganda.

The best place to fish on the Nile is at the Devil’s Cauldron in Murchison Falls National Park.

What are the major fishing grounds in Uganda?

Lake Victoria is by far the largest, and economically most significant, of the national fisheries. However, other large lakes, including George, Edward, Albert, and Kyoga,

along with the River Nile and a great variety of swamps and streams, also contribute substantially to the annual national catch.

What is the biggest fish in Uganda?

Nile perch weighing 20 to 180 pounds is the largest freshwater game fish in Africa. Fishing Safaris and expeditions are available in Uganda.

Nile perch weighing between 20 and 180 pounds are the largest freshwater game fish in Africa and are the main catch in both Lake Victoria and the Murchison Nile.