Best Bariatric Surgeon In Uganda

What is a Bariatric Surgeon?

Bariatric surgery is the medical term for a variety of procedures dealing with obesity.

Best Bariatric Surgeon In Uganda

Gideon Kurigamba Kwikiriza is an expert in performing bariatric surgery in Uganda.

How long does bariatric surgery last in Uganda?

The procedure itself takes about two hours. It is performed laparoscopically, so it requires only small incisions.

Gastric sleeve patients typically remain in the hospital for an average of one to two days.

Can you live a full life with bariatric surgery?

Weight-loss surgery can start you on the path to a healthier, longer, and more fulfilling life. It is not a cure for obesity but rather a tool to help you lose weight.

Long-term success depends on your ability to follow guidelines for diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.

How difficult is life after bariatric surgery?

The reality of life after surgery may not exactly match your hopes or expectations before surgery. You may be surprised that certain habits, feelings, attitudes, or worries may still be present, such as:

You thought you would no longer miss food after surgery, and the urge to eat high-calorie foods would be gone.