Best Art School In Uganda

What is an Art School?

An art school is an educational institution with a primary focus on the visual arts, including fine art – especially illustration, painting, photography, sculpture, and graphic design. 

Best Art School In Uganda

Makerere University.

Kyambogo University.

Mbarara University of Science and Technology.

Gulu University.

How long does it take to finish art school?

Some community colleges offer an associate degree in fine arts which can be completed in two years. However, a four-year bachelor’s degree is more common.

What is the best degree for Art School?

Fine Arts.

Graphic Design.


Digital Arts.

Game and Interactive Media Design.

Cinematography and Film/Video Production.

Theater Arts.

Fashion Design.

How much do Art makers earn in Uganda?

The majority of Visual artists earn a salary between USh385,866 and USh2,636,633 per month in 2023. A monthly wage

for entry-level Visual artists ranges from USh385,866 to USh1,862,448. After gaining 5 years of work experience, their income will be between USh455,695 and USh2,189,540 per month.