Best Advocates In Uganda

Who is an Advocate?

An advocate is a professional in the field of law. Different countries’ legal systems use the term with somewhat differing meanings.

Best Advocates In Uganda

Gertrude Karugaba – S&L Advocates.

Phillip Karugaba – ENSafrica.

Andrew Kibaya-Shonubi, Musoke & Co Advocates.

Fiona Nalwanga Magona-MMAKS Advocates.

Apollo Nelson Makubuya-MMAKS Advocates.

David Mpanga –Bowmans – AF Mpanga Advocates.

Rachel Musoke – ENSafrica.

Noah Edwin Mwesigwa – Shonubi, Musoke & Co Advocates.

How are lawyers paid in Uganda?

In Uganda, professional fees are billed in accordance with the Advocates (Remuneration) Regulations. Under the regulation,

a law firm can elect to charge on a percentage basis where the value of the subject matter is ascertainable in monetary terms or charge fees per hour of service provided to the client.

How many lawyers are in Uganda?

Uganda is not a bifurcated jurisdiction. In 2021, there were 5,696 lawyers licensed to provide legal services in Uganda.

11 These lawyers have the option of working for the public sector (government), private sector (corporate), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and law firms.

How many years does it take to be a lawyer in Uganda?

The coursework leading to the award of a Bachelor of Laws degree in Uganda lasts four years. An internship at the undergraduate level is not compulsory.

The coursework is divided into compulsory and non-compulsory courses.