Best Adaptor In Uganda

What is Adaptor?

A device for connecting pieces of equipment that cannot be connected directly.

Best Adaptor In Uganda

Best Overall; Ceptics World International Travel Plug Adapter

Best universal travel adapter; Epicka Universal Travel Adapter

What to consider when buying an Adaptor?

The right AC adapter for your device is one with matching electrical ratings. The device’s input voltage and current must match the adapter’s output voltage and current.

Check the device’s product label or user manual to see its rated voltage and current

Does wattage matter for adapters?

If the adapter wattage is too low, the device will take longer to charge, which is perfectly logical. But the device will

also take longer to charge if the wattage is too high, which can be a little bit harder to wrap your head around.

How long should adapters last?

Most power adapters last you about three to six years.