Best Actuarial Science Universities In Uganda

What is Actuarial Science?

Actuarial science is the discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in insurance, pension, finance, investment, and other industries and professions.

Best Actuarial Science Universities In Uganda

Makerere University.

Kampala University.

Mbarara University of Science and Technology.

Uganda Christian University.

Cavendish University Uganda.

Kyambogo University.

Clarke International University.

Gulu University.

Is Actuarial Science difficult?

You need to pass the actuarial exams to become a qualified actuary. These are independent exams and aren’t related to academic institutions. 

Actuarial exams are difficult and require intense preparation. This is why most people need between 7-10 years to pass all of them.

What is the best degree in Actuarial Science?

The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Actuarial Studies Emphasis prepares you for a career in actuarial sciences

while also providing a rigorous background in other areas of mathematics, computer science, and physics.

How long is Actuarial Science?

T Makerere University, Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics offers a three-year Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science degree.