How To Make Bar Soap In Uganda

What is Bar Soap?

Bar soap is simply soap that comes in a solid bar shape.

You get it wet in your hands; then you can use the soap directly on your skin or apply it with a washcloth or loofah.

How To Make Bar Soap In Uganda

  • Melt and pour: This involves buying a soap base, melting it down, and adding the ingredients you want — from fragrances to essential oils—then pouring the soap into a mold. The saponification has already happened, so you don’t have to worry about handling lye, and the soap can be used immediately after it has cooled. This is a good option if you want to involve kids in your soap-making process. 
  • Cold process: This involves making soap from scratch using lye and fat. There is no heating involved, but the soap will need 4 to 6 weeks to cure, so that saponification is complete and all the lye is gone. 
  • Hot process: This also involves making soap from scratch. Heat, from a crockpot, for example, is used to speed up the saponification, so the soap can be ready in as little as a week.

What is soap made from?

Soap is made from a combination of fat and an alkaline material, which react through a chemical process called saponification. 

What are the ingredients for bar soap making?

The ingredient below are right for bar soap making

animal fat or vegetable oil.

100 percent pure lye.

distilled water.

essential or skin-safe fragrance oils (optional)

colorants (optional)