Makerere University Freshers Enrollment, Registration, and Change of Programmes/Subjects

By | February 7, 2022

To All Freshers

For a candidate to be considered a bonafide student of the University, he/she must be registered.
Registration is a mandatory requirement of the University which must be done within the first two (2) weeks from the beginning of the semester by every student. Privately sponsored students will pick their original admission letters after payment of 60% tuition and all functional fees from their respective colleges.
Registration programmes will be issued by the respective Colleges/ Schools.

Ensure that you complete all the required registration formalities within the prescribed time in order to avoid disappointments later.
Registration Requirements
Admission to Makerere University is a provisional offer made on the basis of the statement
of your qualifications as presented on your application form. The offer is subject to verification of your academic documents and payment of university fees.

For registration purposes, all first year students MUST produce their original documents.
Government sponsored students shall pay Shs.181, 850/= functional fees to Makerere University.
The fees structure for privately sponsored students is attached to the provisional admission letters.

Procedure for Student Registration on ACMIS

1. Activate you student portal account and enroll
a.) Access the Student Portal via

b.) Log in using your student number printed on your admission letter as your username
and password. The system will prompt you to enter your student number again and
request for a reset token (This will be sent to your phone or your Registrar can
generate token for you)
c.) Use the token and set your own password (It could be as simple as your telephone
number or student number)
d.) Login into your account using student number as username and the password you
have set in (c) above
e. )Then Enrollment by selecting the appropriate enrollment options;

Fresher (My First Semester) for all NEW STUDENTS

f. Select Study year and then click enroll

a. For Registration, visit your school or college Registrar for document verification.
b. Only after the Registrar has verified your documents, will you be able to register.
c. You are required to pay 100% Functional fees and at least 60% Tuition for you to be
able to register
d. During registration, select the Course unit from the pool course units on the left
following the timetabled course units and click add course to the list of courses you
are to register for. Finally click the register button at the lower right
a. After enrollment two invoices will be generated. One for functional fees and one for
tuition fees.
b. Click on generate PRN to get PRN for payment of invoices in the Bank
c. Pay all the necessary fees per the fees policy (as issued by University Bursar’s office)
before registration.
d. Students admitted to affiliated institutions must pay all Tuition fees to their
Institutions and functional fees payable to Makerere University should be paid
directly to Makerere University.
(a) Change of Programme
Since selection for specific programmes was made according to each candidate’s
performance and order of programme choices, taking into account the available
subject combinations and time-table limitations, there is normally little need to
change the programme or subjects. However, some places become vacant when
some of the students admitted do not take up the offers. Such places are filled
through the change of programme.
(b) Change of Subjects
Students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences or the
College of Education and External Studies may wish to change their subjects.

Students should be aware that changing one subject may result in a change of College. Before students apply to change their programmes, Colleges and Subjects, they are encouraged to seek advice on the cut-off point(s) for programmes, requirements for specific subjects and possible subject combinations.
(c) User Guide for Change of Programmes/Subject Combinations
Step l. Login into your student portal, then click on the services link
Step 2.Click on ‘Apply for Services’
Step 4.1n the change of programme form, select your current programme, new programme you wish to apply for study year study time, campus, academic year and optimally, then reason for changing. Click on ‘Submit application’.
Step 5. To generate a PRN to pay for the change of programme/subjects on the pending application history interface, click ‘Generate payment reference. Use the generated PRN to make payment of Shs.6000 and bank charge for the change of programme/subjects application.
The closing date for change of prgrammes/subjects will be Friday 18th February, 2022.

Alfred Masikye Namoah